Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science
With over two decades of award-winning combat & street experience, Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph (a.k.a. Dr. Safety) & the latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) Police statistics show crime has evolved drastically & inevitably finds people who aren't prepared for it. Let's work together, embrace Warrior Mindset & experience proficient in Reflex-Instinct-based Krav Maga Israeli Military Self Defense, Pro-active Combat Science & Psychological Skills like Guerrilla Hit & Run Deception Strategy, Neuro-Behavioral Crisis Management, Threat Perception, Fear Counterinsurgency, Pro-Failure Conversion Technique etc., against Dynamic, Chaotic, & Unpredictable Crime with Known Predators, Unknown Criminals, or Multiple Gangs w/o Weapons.
Our Mantra - Power is Knowledge, forged in Fear, Pain & Failure.
Call Frank @ 9886769281

Event > Krav Maga Car Self Defense Private Workshop

Clientele PAN India - Call 9886769281 for Franklin Joseph Corporate Self Defense Workshops

Anonymous writer

As much as awareness and training is important, application of the technique and more importantly, the change in the fundamental conditioned mindset was the entire focus of Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) special training on tactics involving a car in my personal perspective. The Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) simulation of the Car training was so real. The imitation of a basement area with minimal light and the confined space which poses very realistic problems which is difficult to visualise in a normal training session was the major highlight.

We learnt a lot about the practical difficulties a confined space poses, the restriction of movement was so real, and it took real effort to learn to deal with such obstacles. The module was very well crafted and taught. In fact we got to learn so much more than we expected to. An amazing aspect of the training was that I found that the Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) techniques we learn in class, be it the standing or ground etc are applicable in real life situations when we mix and match them with presence of mind, and honestly, it is life saving.

We learnt about the real life attacks such as when you are getting out of a car, what if an attacker pushes you and you get stuck in the small space of the door? What if you are in the driver seat or the front pillion seat, wearing a seat belt, and an attacker from behind chokes you with the seat belt or the classic attacks of an arm bar choke or a bear hug attack? How to handle molestation attacks inside a car when your movements are restricted by the seat belt? What if you or your loved one is attacked with a knife inside or outside the car? How do you assault and defend at the same time using limited space? Etc..

Guruji Franklin Joseph reiterated what I would call as the fundamental aspect of Neuro linguistic reprogramming, or so as to put it in a common term, rewriting the mindset and instincts. I realised that where there is a problem, the solution lies in the problem itself experientially. I understood though training my instinct is difficult, it is not impossible.

  • I understood the difference between being scared out of my mind and being prepared. It is always better to be aware and prepared than to be caught unaware in a situation and regret later.
  • I could see the difference in my own mindset in a matter of a couple of hours, how I was in the beginning vs how I was at the end of the session.
  • I was constantly reminded that nothing and no one will save me if I don’t do anything about a situation by myself, and the best part is that I can train myself to be equipped to handle it by myself.
  • Again I was surprised to learn that even here, the Krav Maga techniques do not depend on size, strength, fitness etc, and that no matter the size, strength, gender and fitness of a person, they go through the same sense of fear and insecurities. It is all about mindset vs mindset. How alert and aware we are and how we are able to apply what we have learnt in class.
    The techniques are very simple and our instincts can adapt very easily to them.

Keeping in mind the unfortunate increase in crimes today, it is very important to not be in denial of reality but to acknowledge and prepare ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally to adapt to the same.

As Guruji Franklin Joseph rightly says, the more we learn, the more there is to learn. We start appreciating the complexities and simplicity.
It was a very informative, educational and a practical session, and it was a privilege to be a part of it. I hope such awareness reaches more and more people in the society.


Corporate Workshops Clients

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About Specialist Franklin Joseph

Franklin Joseph
Social Entrepreneur, C.E.O. & Specialist
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science
In the realm of self-defense, there are very few individuals who possess a comprehensive understanding of combat science and Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) tactics like Guruji Franklin Joseph. With over two decades of specialist knowledge in Israeli military Krav Maga self-defense, he stands as a remarkable authority in this field. Throughout his journey, Guruji Franklin Joseph has immersed himself in the teachings and principles of Krav Maga Self Defence, honing his expertise under the guidance of notable national & international Krav Maga Self Defence instructors. He has relentlessly attempted to go beyond the technical aspects of Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India), embracing an innumerable amount of time of research and analysis concerning various crime scenarios, victim case studies, feedback from participants from his workshops, regular academy members, etc.
A Specialist Beyond Compare
What truly renders Guruji Franklin Joseph unique, is his unwavering commitment to learning new skills both psycholigical & tactical and constantly evolving his knowledge of the self-defense sector. He is aware that real mastery demands a never-ending desire to learn and experiment, especially when it comes to boosting the potency of Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) methods. This way of thinking as a warrior, has allowed him to offer invaluable advice and insights to anyone looking to improve their self-defense abilities. With Guruji Franklin Joseph, you're not merely picking up skills; rather, you're starting a journey of self-determination that will give you the mental, physical, and tactical strength to face any challenge in real life.
  • Reliable Mentor : A Unique, Intense and Different Tactical Training Methodology in Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) for Men, Women & Kids.
  • Uncompromising Teacher : Focuses on more robust psychological foundations in empowering individuals.
  • Passionate Ambassador : Championing self-defense as Wellness Education, especially for Women, School / College Girls, & Children.
A Two-Decade Achievement Legacy
Guruji Franklin Joseph has become widely recognized in the community at large for his several special psychological skill sets and his unwavering dedication to teaching people excellent Krav Maga Israeli Military Self Defense skills. Guruji Franklin Joseph commitment to his craft is evident not just through his extensive training but also in his very unorthodox teaching methodology with includes both psychological & tactical training. Over two decades, he has trained a diverse range of individuals, including security professionals, intelligence agents, military personals, law enforcement officers, enlisted specialists, such as doctors, attorneys, & surgeons etc., corporate men & women, school or college youth etc., emphasizing the universal applicability of Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) & additional Psychological Skills as a effective self-defense system.
Among Guruji Franklin Joseph most notable triumphs are :
  • Internationally Accredited Educator (Israel).
  • Specialist in Krav Maga Israeli Military Self Defense.
  • Specialist in Women’s / Children’s Psychological Empowerment & Safety Skills.
  • Around two decades (20+ years) of professional expertise in Self Defense Industry.
  • Social Entrepreneur / Founder & C.E.O. – Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science, Dharwad.
  • Was Assistance Instructor for N.S.G (Black Cat) Anti-Terrorist Commandos in Manesar, Haryana.
  • Was Senior Instructor for I.P.S., I.A.S. & I.R.S. Probationary Officers in SVPNPA, Hyderabad.
  • Awarded for “Best Service” by Luxury Travel Magazine, United Kingdom, London.
  • Recommended Franklin Joseph as “Instructor who focuses on both Psychological & Tactical Training” by Overseas Security Advisory Council, an U.S. Department of State’s Women Safety Report in 2014.
  • Conducted 2 decades of PAN India Corporate Men/Women Safety & Self Defense Workshops.
  • Incorporating in training – Psychological & Tactical elements like Pro-active Combat Science, Guerrilla Hit & Run Deception Strategy, Neuro-Behavioral Crisis Management, Warrior Mindset, Fear Counterinsurgency, Pro-Failure Conversion Technique, Psychological Anti-Stress Conditioning, Critical Decision Life Safety Skills, Pressure Methodology, Pre-Conflict Situational Awareness, Post-Battle Quick Response, Stealth & Evasive Tactics, Emotional & Critical Balance, Verbal Modulation Instructions, Violence De-Escalation Techniques, Crime Radar Deterrence Manoeuvre, Criminal Profiling, Rope & Hammer Combat Fitness, Tyre Bone Rugged Drills, Body & Mind Pain Conditioning, Decrypting Pre-Crime Sequence, Battle Strength Training etc.
  • Guest Lecturer in several educational universities notably National Institute of Technology (NIT) – Tiruchirappalli, Indian Institute of Management Business (IIM) – Bengaluru, India, Indian Institute of Management Business (IIM) – Tiruchirappalli, SRM Institute of Science and Technology – Chennai, Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management – Bengaluru, India, Mithibai College – Mumbai, Mount Carmel College – Bengaluru, India, SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce – Mumbai, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology- Mumbai, Kristu Jayanti College – Bengaluru, India, Christ University – Bengaluru, India & Jain University – Bengaluru, India etc. [ Click here Franklin Joseph Clients List ]
  • Commemorative plaque given by Karnataka Government’s ThinkBig 2016 Women Entrepreneurs Convention Exhibition.
  • Executed workshops for Government agencies like Defence Research Development Organization (D.R.D.O.), Israel Consulate General of South India, Indian Railways, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Commissioner of Police Bengaluru, India, Commissioner of Police Hubballi Dharwad etc. [ Click here Franklin Joseph Clients List ]
  • Corporate Clients include Google, Amazon, Yahoo, ITC Gardenia, TATA Interactive Systems, Infosys, Wipro, NASSCOM, Harman, Larsen & Toubro (L&T), Titan, Times of India, HP, Total, General Electric (GE), Logica, APC, Accenture, Goldman Sacs, DELL, CISCO, Syngene, Procter & Gamble (P&G), Firstsource, 3M, Huawei, ESKO, Citrix, Arvind Mills, Karnataka Congress, Standard Chartered, Karle Builders, Fujitsu, IBIS Hotel etc. [ Click here Franklin Joseph Clients List ]
  • Interviews broadcasted in radio stations like All India Radio, 93.5 FM etc.
  • Highlighted Articles in Newspapers like Hindustan Times, Times of India, Bangalore Mirror, DNA, Deccan Herald, Deccan Chronicle, The New Indian Express etc.
  • Featured Articles in Magazines like Tehelka, LiveMint, TimeOut Bengaluru, India, Bengaluru, India Pages, 080 Bengaluru, India, Global Post etc.
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