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Click to Read Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph ArticlesCall 9886769281 for Corporate WorkshopsLast updated on December 6th, 2024 at 08:30 am
Article re-written by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph
Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur is the CEO of the Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science.
‘Dr. Safety’ a.k.a. Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph is also the founder & Chief Instructor of Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy, Bengaluru & Dharwad.
Press Release Article of Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy (Wilson Garden, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India)
Click to Read Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph ArticlesCall 9886769281 for Corporate WorkshopsBlogs from Bangalore
Indiblogger Times of India Newspaper Bloggers Meet in Bangalore
Bangalore for Women #BangaloreforWomen
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Indeed! This time, the Indiblogger Meet was held in support of a cause that is extremely important to me and very real.
This time, there were only 80 or 90 individuals at the meeting, and the conversations showed that everyone’s top concern was the “safety of women in Bangalore.”
Click to Read Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph ArticlesCall 9886769281 for Corporate WorkshopsThe meeting brought up a lot of difficulties that urban women deal with.
- The girls with varied abilities’ vulnerability.
- prejudice in the workplace.
- discrimination against unmarried girls seeking suitable accommodation.
- inadequate facilities for sanitary disposal.
- Insufficient safety on public transportation and on the roadways.
- The vulnerability of the little girl-child.
As a mother of two young daughters, I can admit that I’m somewhat concerned about the last point.
Attending the meeting was Safety Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, an authority on Israeli Military Self-defense tactics known for Krav Maga. He emphasized that a person’s confidence and attitude are more effective in discouraging criminals than any weapon. He also said that it’s critical to dissolve the situation as soon as possible and to avoid going on the offensive in any unpleasant circumstance.
Though the mind is a powerful tool, how can one maintain calmness? Any kind of perceived threat, at least, utterly blanks my thoughts. It is crucial, ladies, that you acquire at least one form of self-defense. It does more good than harm when it comes to maintaining mental stability and reducing feelings of vulnerability.
Click to Read Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph ArticlesCall 9886769281 for Corporate WorkshopsOne big worry is child abuse and molestation; small girl-child are not exempt. How do these innocent ones arouse a man’s desire?
Insufficient sex education, a complex legal framework, and a deep-rooted prejudice against fairer sex are all factors in the panic-stricken times we find ourselves in, as well as the general apathy of society.
In order to avoid child abuse, I think schools should take a more proactive approach in this area and hold workshops for young people. Understanding what constitutes a “good touch” and responding appropriately.
Appropriate attire was another important source of contention. People were discussing the advantages and disadvantages of this matter on both sides, but from what I could tell, one must apply common sense when navigating this environment. When it comes to clothing, it’s always best to be safe than sorry.
Click to Read Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph ArticlesCall 9886769281 for Corporate WorkshopsIt’s challenging to assess what sets off a criminal’s ire and what doesn’t. That is really a different field of research.
How might the molestation of a 4 or 5-year-old child be justified if a guy is provoked by one’s clothing?
Overall, it was a terrific meeting with many of insights, information provided, and points raised about the variety of problems Bangalorean women confront.
In conclusion, I believe that all forms of education start at home. If we women are successful, we will raise a generation of boys who will value women and become defenders rather than destroyers of modesty. All we require is persistence and a mental shift.
Click to Read Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph ArticlesCall 9886769281 for Corporate WorkshopsBlogs from Bangalore
Indiblogger Times of India Newspaper Bloggers Meet in Bangalore
My Experience at Indiblogger by Times of India Newspaper #BangaloreforWomen
Original Post –
The event began with a lightning discussion on women’s safety in general by Safety Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, CEO of Franklin Joseph (Israeli Military) Krav Maga Self Defense Academy, Bengaluru. Instead of cringing in fear, he asked women to exhibit confidence in themselves.
A debate on the city’s problems with women’s issues followed after the talk. All in all, it was a pretty significant one. Interestingly, I noticed that many of the attendees had come to express a particular issue. This made sure a wide range of subjects were covered. Following are some guidelines from the pre-lunch meeting:
- Girls with special needs must be safe. In addition to making several important observations, a female blogger also raised attention to how embarrassingly underrepresented they are in the special schools designated for them.
- Importance of being confident and capable in self-defense, particularly for people with disabilities.
- Child sexual abuse: Several moms expressed their ongoing concern for the safety of their kids. A few others discussed safety in apartment buildings.
- Safety in public transportation, especially in buses and autos. A female blogger shared her experience of being given a safe transport home by a “Good Samaritan” motorist.
- Issues that Bangalore’s working women deal with. Once more, this sector was well-represented. Issues with finding a rental home, issues at work, etc. were all discussed. A female blogger described a startling experience that clearly illustrated the harshness of life.
- The fashion sense of modern ladies was one topic that sparked a lot of discussion. Some said that women should wear whatever they choose, while others said that women should be cautious when choosing what to wear.
Blogs from Bangalore
Indiblogger Times of India Newspaper Bloggers Meet in Bangalore
Bangalore For Women We Want a Safe City #BangaloreforWomen
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Click to Read Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph ArticlesCall 9886769281 for Corporate WorkshopsIt can feature educational seminars on confidence and body language in preventing physical attack, such as the ones given by Safety Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, CEO of Franklin Joseph (Israeli Military) Krav Maga Self Defense Academy, Bengaluru. I wish the meeting had included more time for it. The website can also showcase positive deeds, such as this one I completed lately. Known offenders can be named and shamed using photographs and further details. essentially a gathering place for like-minded individuals and resources that, when united, can fight to improve and make Bangalore safer.
Blogs from Bangalore
Indiblogger Times of India Newspaper Bloggers Meet in Bangalore
Namma Bengaluru for Women #BangaloreforWomen
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Click to Read Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph ArticlesCall 9886769281 for Corporate WorkshopsAccording to Safety Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, CEO of Franklin Joseph (Israeli Military) Krav Maga Self Defense Academy, Bengaluru word on Self defense, Bangalore is now the second most dangerous mega-city for a woman.
- The ability to defend myself using both my body language and my thinking.
- teach my children to differentiate between good and harmful touch
- Avoid being a hunched over person. Hey, what scared you off? Take a stance for yourself and other people. Do what you can, glare.
Blogs from Bangalore
Indiblogger Times of India Newspaper Bloggers Meet in Bangalore
Is Bangalore really safe for Women #BangaloreforWomen
Click to Read Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph ArticlesCall 9886769281 for Corporate WorkshopsOriginal Post –
Bangalore, India’s IT hub and nicknamed “The Silicon Valley,” drew a large immigrant population to its lovely garden city. The city has undergone drastic changes in every way, so it is no longer referred to be the “Garden City.” Bangalore was regarded as peaceful, safeguarding, wholesome, environmentally beneficial, etc. Following his interview in the Times of India Newspaper on Saturday, March 18, 2013, Safety Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, CEO of Franklin Joseph (Israeli Military) Krav Maga Self Defense Academy, Bengaluru, amazed to learn that Bangalore is the second most dangerous city in India. Even though I’ve heard of a lot of violent incidents in the city, I never imagined that, in comparison to other Indian cities, they would go out of control. At the moment, Bangalore can be described as India’s most polluted, violent, unsafe, and unprotective city.
Blogs from Bangalore
Indiblogger Times of India Newspaper Bloggers Meet in Bangalore
The Baby Steps towards much needed Change #BangaloreforWomen
Click to Read Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph ArticlesCall 9886769281 for Corporate WorkshopsOriginal Post –
I was thrilled that the Times of India and IndiBlogger would be gathering to talk about issues impacting women. The Times of India’s Bangalore for Women task, which emphasized the city’s responsibility to its female citizens, included the event, which was open to both men and women. a responsibility that the city has repeatedly neglected. I went there with a lot of hope and excitement because the event promised a lot. With only 100 bloggers, the space was a little crowded, and I was a little afraid that I wouldn’t be able to fit in and would eventually be kicked out. I got to know my fellow bloggers and took a comfortable seat to chat with other friends. The introduction of bloggers and the Indicry did not take place during the meeting. Anoop introduced us to Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Girl safety specialist and women’s self-defense expert. He is also the CEO of ~ Power To Women Corporate Self Defense Workshop with Psychological Women Empowerment on Warrior Leadership, Stress Resilience and Conflict Management Wellness Training. Together, he has over 14 years of experience working with, studying, and creating workshops for women. Upon interacting with women who experienced sexual abuse, violence, and crime, he molded his protective mechanisms after them. He has been giving women classes where he teaches them how to properly escape dangerous situations.
Several of the things he raised were really helpful, and they offered a fresh viewpoint that many people overlook. Although I may not be able to fully convey his views, here is a short list of them:
- When a man is accompanying her, a woman is more likely to go out, even though she would be afraid to do so on her own. He demonstrated how nothing is changed by this. An attack on the woman he is escorting makes a man feel anxious and powerless.
- Having guns and pepper powder on hand is not the solution. Once abusers and attackers understand this is what women are carrying, they may discover a way to defend themselves or may become more aggressive in an attempt to stop the women from reacting in kind.
- The best protection mechanisms available to women are attitude, confidence, and presence of mind.
Since I have always believed in this, I must admit that I had no issue agreeing with Safety Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph. My own observations confirm this. Typically, I stroll around the streets with self-assurance that I can manage. Men have not harassed, mocked, or harassed me in public or on the roadways.
Click to Read Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph ArticlesCall 9886769281 for Corporate WorkshopsBlogs from Bangalore
Indiblogger Times of India Newspaper Bloggers Meet in Bangalore
Bangalore for Women Step in the right direction #BangaloreforWomen
Original Post –
What I already knew was reinforced when I listened to the many experiences that the women in the room had to deal with. Anyone could fall victim to it; it was all a matter of luck. It’s interesting that Franklin, a teacher of self defense, disagreed with us. The attitudes and personalities of individuals may significantly lower the likelihood of being a victim. He said that your awareness is a much more powerful tool than any pepper spray.
Click to Read Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph ArticlesCall 9886769281 for Corporate WorkshopsOne topic that came up frequently when people talked about the different forms of harassment that women experience, from being harassed in the workplace to being treated unfairly on the roadways, was how women who are physically or psychologically ill are treated. Their gender greatly exacerbates their challenges with their disability, making them an easy target for sexual assaults.
Blogs from Bangalore
Indiblogger Times of India Newspaper Bloggers Meet in Bangalore
Bangalore for Women
Original Post –
Click to Read Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph ArticlesCall 9886769281 for Corporate WorkshopsWomen should project confidence; in general, this deters stalkers. If your employment needs you to travel frequently, make the time to practice your kicks, maintain physical fitness, and learn some basic self defense techniques. Franklin Joseph, a specialist in self-defense tactics, provided us with this slogan. Remember that your personality is your greatest weapon and try to pull off that Jhansi Ki Rani look!
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Other Posts & Articles
Article written by Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph The Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad was created by Safety Specialist Guruji
Franklin Joseph, who also holds the position of Chief Instructor. In addition, Guruji Franklin Joseph (a.k.a. 'Dr. Safety') also serves as the Social Entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of the
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Article written by Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph 'Dr. Safety' a.k.a. Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph is the CEO of the
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Article written by Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph Safety Specialist Guruji
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Article written by Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph 'Dr. Safety' a.k.a. Specialist Guruji
Franklin Joseph is the CEO of the
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Article written by Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph In addition to being the Founder and Chief Instructor of the Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad.Safety Specialist Guruji
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Article written by Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur established the
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Article Written by Specialist Guruji
Franklin Joseph The Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad was created by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, who also holds the position of Chief Instructor. In addition, Guruji
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Author & Re-Editor : Specialist Guruji
Franklin Joseph Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur is the Chief Executive Officer of the
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Author & Re-Editor : Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur established the
Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad, where he currently serves as Chief Instructor. Along with being its CEO, Guruji
Franklin Joseph (alias 'Dr. Safety') leads the
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Article re-written by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur founded and serves as Chief Instructor of the Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad. 'Dr. Safety' a.k.a. Guruji Franklin Joseph is also the CEO of the
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science. Anonymous writer As much as awareness and training is important, application of the technique and more importantly, the change in the fundamental conditioned mindset was the entire focus of Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) special training on tactics involving a car in my personal perspective. The Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) simulation of the Car training was so real. The imitation ...
Media Shot by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph The Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad was created by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur who also holds the position of Chief Instructor. In addition, Guruji Franklin Joseph who is also known as 'Dr. Safety' serves as the CEO of the
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Indian Institute of Strategic ...
Article re-written by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur founded and serves as Chief Instructor of the Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad. 'Dr. Safety' a.k.a. Guruji Franklin Joseph is also the CEO of the
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science. Google Women Techmakers Corporate Self Defense Workshops I, Ms. Priyamvada, an Advocate by profession, have trained in Krav Maga Israeli Self Defense with Guruji Franklin Joseph for a year now and have undergone significant changes in terms of my perspective, perception, confidence, technique, personality etc., both in terms of profession and personal life. Recently, I had an opportunity to attend a corporate Self ...
Article re-written & Media re-edited for SEO by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph The Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad was created by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur, who also holds the position of Chief Instructor. In addition, Guruji Franklin Joseph who is also known as 'Dr. Safety' serves as the CEO of the
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science. Vivek Anavatti Satya Murthy Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy (Bengaluru, Karnataka) Warrior / Practitioner, India Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph is the CEO of the
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science & is the Founder & Chief Instructor of Franklin Joseph Krav ...
Article re-written & Media re-edited for SEO by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur founded and serves as Chief Instructor of the Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad. 'Dr. Safety' a.k.a. Guruji Franklin Joseph is also the CEO of the
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science. Mahith Anand Nair Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, Karnataka) Warrior / Practitioner, India Prior to my Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) life, I was only a fighter whose thought s were only about kicking and punching. After my Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) sessions, I have started recognising my instincts during situations. Franklin Joseph ...
Article re-written & Media re-edited for SEO by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph The Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad was created by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur, who also holds the position of Chief Instructor. In addition, Guruji Franklin Joseph who is also known as 'Dr. Safety' serves as the CEO of the
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science. Ashok G.V. Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy (Bengaluru, Karnataka) Practitioner / Warrior, India, India Advocate I have had my fair share of difficult situations on the street. My job often involves unforeseen risks simply because of the wide variety of situations and people that I come ...
Article re-written by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur founded and serves as Chief Instructor of the Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad. 'Dr. Safety' a.k.a. Guruji Franklin Joseph is also the CEO of the
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science. Nyjil Joshi Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy (Bengaluru, Karnataka) Practitioner / Warrior, India, India Associate Manager Its been 2 years since I became a Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) Practitioners and when I look back what a wonderful fruitful journey it has been for me as an individual. Initially I was attracted towards the statement said by Grand Master Imi ...
Article re-written & Media re-edited for SEO by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph The Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad was created by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur, who also holds the position of Chief Instructor. In addition, Guruji Franklin Joseph who is also known as 'Dr. Safety' serves as the CEO of the
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science. Nivas Kothandapani Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy (Bengaluru, India) Warrior / Practitioner Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, I have told you several times, may be let me reiterate again.. It is very hard to get a Teachers like you..the only person I've met whom I can ...
Article re-written by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur founded and serves as Chief Instructor of the Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad. In addition, Guruji Franklin Joseph (a.k.a. 'Dr. Safety') also serves as the Social Entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of the
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science. Nitin Varma Manthena Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy (Bengaluru, India) Warrior / Practitioner Sir Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, That day only things that saved us when my family went through the car accident was Gods grace and the Krav Maga Self Defense (Bangalore, India) training that was given to me by you. To ...
Article Re-edited & Featuring Specialist Guruji
Franklin Joseph Safety Specialist Guruji
Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur founded and serves as Chief Instructor of the Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad. 'Dr. Safety' a.k.a. Guruji Franklin Joseph is also the CEO of the
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science. Happiest Health Magazine Press Release Article of Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy (Wilson Garden, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India) Read the original article on Happiest Health Website Written by Athul Krishna This Israeli combat technique prioritises basic, instinctive methods that assist one defend dangerous situations. With quotes from
Franklin Joseph - Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, Karnataka, India) Specialist As with any ...
Article Featuring Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph. 'Dr. Safety' a.k.a. Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph is the CEO of the
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science. Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph is also a Social Entrepreneur, Founder & Chief Instructor of Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy, Bengaluru & Dharwad. Bangalore Mirror Newspaper Newspaper clipping of Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) Academy on 26th Feb 2019 ...
Article re-written by featuring Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph. The Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad was created by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur who also holds the position of Chief Instructor. In addition, Guruji Franklin Joseph who is also known as 'Dr. Safety' serves as the CEO of the
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science. Bangalore Mirror Newspaper Times of India Newspaper Supplement Press Release Article of Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy (Wilson Garden, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India) The CEO of the
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science, Dharwad, Specialist Franklin Joseph, was featured in a number of pieces published in the ...
Article Feature of Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph. Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur, who is also the Chief Instructor, founded the Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy in Bengaluru and Dharwad. Furthermore, Guruji Franklin Joseph (alias 'Dr. Safety') holds the position of CEO at the
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science. The New Indian Express Newspaper Article & Media re-edited for SEO by Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph is the Social Entrepreneur & CEO of the
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science. 'Dr. Safety' a.k.a. Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph is also the founder & Chief Instructor of Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense ...
"Women self defense is a joke, only looked upon as a demo or just some tip & tricks. Even though there are few people serious about the issue, but the knowledge about the subject are limited to few people and the myths of the self defense / martial arts blinds the common mass." Safety Specialist Franklin Joseph. Safety Specialist Franklin Joseph conducted a self defense workshop in a Women Safety Seminar organised by Bangalore Press Club coordinated by Ayesha Khanum and Chief guest was Bangalore Police Commissioner M N Reddi and Joint Commissioner Ms. Roopa and Ms Rani Shetty, Coordinator Vanitha Sahayavani. Here are some photos from the same event.
Photo Gallery ...
Udayavani Newspaper Article on Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, CEO of
Franklin Joseph Krav-Maga Self-Defense Academy training
in Bangalore + Ninja Kubaton + Knife Fighting etc ...
About Specialist Franklin Joseph
Social Entrepreneur, C.E.O. & Specialist
In the realm of self-defense, there are very few individuals who possess a comprehensive understanding of combat science and Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) tactics like Guruji Franklin Joseph. With over two decades of specialist knowledge in Israeli military Krav Maga self-defense, he stands as a remarkable authority in this field. Throughout his journey, Guruji Franklin Joseph has immersed himself in the teachings and principles of Krav Maga Self Defence, honing his expertise under the guidance of notable national & international Krav Maga Self Defence instructors. He has relentlessly attempted to go beyond the technical aspects of Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India), embracing an innumerable amount of time of research and analysis concerning various crime scenarios, victim case studies, feedback from participants from his workshops, regular Academy members, etc.
A Specialist Beyond Compare
What truly renders Guruji Franklin Joseph unique, is his unwavering commitment to learning new skills both psychological & tactical and constantly evolving his knowledge of the self-defense sector. He is aware that real mastery demands a never-ending desire to learn and experiment, especially when it comes to boosting the potency of Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) methods. This way of thinking as a warrior, has allowed him to offer invaluable advice and insights to anyone looking to improve their self-defense abilities. With Guruji Franklin Joseph, you're not merely picking up skills; rather, you're starting a journey of self-determination that will give you the mental, physical, and tactical strength to face any challenge in real life.
A Two-Decade Achievement Legacy
Guruji Franklin Joseph has become widely recognized in the community at large for his several special psychological skill sets and his unwavering dedication to teaching people excellent Krav Maga Israeli Military Self Defense skills. Guruji Franklin Joseph commitment to his craft is evident not just through his extensive training but also in his very unorthodox teaching methodology with includes both psychological & tactical training. Over two decades, he has trained a diverse range of individuals, including security professionals, intelligence agents, military personals, law enforcement officers, enlisted specialists, such as doctors, attorneys, & surgeons etc., corporate men & women, school or college youth etc., emphasizing the universal applicability of Krav Maga Self Defense (Bengaluru, India) & additional Psychological Skills as a effective self-defense system.
Among Guruji Franklin Joseph most notable triumphs are :